I kinda love the idea of IPhone users getting reamed, of course that doesn’t make this acceptable at all.
It’s an industry fact that iPhone users are more willing to pay for stuff.
It works in mobile games too, Android users just don’t spend. They can be tracked better because Google DGAF, but iPhone users rake in the cash.
I have an old iPad that I gave to my daughter and it’s disgusting how each app is subscription blocked.
You’re going to pay either way. Subscription (iOS) or scummy ads all over (Android)
I’d rather pay than subject my kids to random predatory ads.
One time payment would be best of course, but it’s not a viable business model in most cases
Or just use an adblocker…
And then the kid complains that they can’t watch ads to get diamonds.
True :)
They can be tracked better because Google DGAF, but iPhone users rake in the cash.
Deny the parasites profit and engagement.
Lol. I Iove that people think apple isn’t collecting just as much of their data as Google. It’s a stupid assumption and it’s not true but here we are.
I work in mobile games.
You should’ve seen the fits the Marketing department threw when Apple removed tracking (IDFA). It made conversion tracking almost impossible and thus worthless.
There is a difference. A clear difference.
This was a comment about Apple and Google specifically, not about their app stores or the apps on them created by non-apple/non-google developers. There’s a clear difference.
Google allows data collection, they need it because they’re an ad company.
Apple will make their products shitty rather than spy on their users. Their profits come from hardware and software sales. Their ad revenue is a rounding error
They do still collect an awful lot of data, though, there’s been research on that - even if less than Android, I’d consider them similar in this regard.
That’s a new one!
You win the internet today 🥇
This is the most horrifying, bloodlust-inducing, depressing and dreadfully dystopian thing I’ve read this morning and I’ve already scrolled for 20 minutes! 10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Careful, they’ll do emojis next.
Ah, calm down, that’s just some marketing speak bullshit some startups use to scam bigger corpos out of money.
I mean yeah but the concept if done even remotely correctly is still terrifying? If I tell you I am going to kill you with a laser gun, just because I might be lying about the laser part doesn’t mean it’s not concerning.
According to new lending startups, your social media activity and how low you let your phone battery get can be read as signs of creditworthiness, making loans available to those who may not have qualified otherwise
Yet the article discusses none of this. Just vague “data points”.
This sounds like discrimination based on “algorithms” but one that is legal.
Whaaaat?! I thought the only consequnce of having low battery life on your phone was people telling you to charge it!
There is no bottom in how depraved capitalism will go to extract value and maximise profits… any company that takes the moral high-ground is at disadvantage because morality/ethics are expensive, and crime pays.
We need an open source uber
That pays a fair and living wage
Is it doable?
U don’t see why we won’t file out tax returns and monthly bank statements so so daddy parasite knows exactly how much he can take!
These parasites are despicable and we dove head first in a this tech, now we are getting thoroughly destroyed for this mistake.
I think it’s true that owners of Apple products are more affluent so if I were to put on my evil capitalist hat and could collect this point of data, I would certainly at least test differential pricing just to see if it works.