I’ve been trying to find a good privacy respecting browser, but I can’t really decide on what to use. I don’t like the search results with Brave Search. DuckDuckGo shares my information with Microsoft and SearchXNG shows me NSFW images even with strict search on. I really like Presearch, but I’m not really sure what they’re about.
EDIT: After tinkering with the settings of my SearXNG instance, it seems to have reduced the amount of NSFW images. I think I will stick with SearXNG for now.
Have you considered StartPage ?
It returns google results whilst stripping of all google tracking and does not track itself either.
Startpage seems like a pretty good alternative. I read their privacy policy and it looks pretty solid.
What does DDG share with Microsoft?
It’s probably not that big of a deal, but I just don’t want anything to do with Microsoft.
So they only share when you click on an ad. I use an adblocker anyway, so effectively they’re not sharing anything. Or do I misunderstand?
I think it’s more of a trust issue.
You can combine search engine of choice with anonymity provided by TOR browser.
Not sure about the privacy of Presearch but their results are really good. A few times already I was searching for something I know existed out there and only Presearch was able to find it.
I can only say good things about kagi. They let you adjust your search results according to how much you trust a given source, and the business model makes sense. You pay them, they give you a service. Heck, if you pay for unlimited searches, they have an actual incentive to make you search less and make you find results quickly
It’s probably a good choice. At the end of the day they have to make their money somehow. But another $10 subscription just to browse the web… I don’t think it’s for me.