In Flanders, 🇧🇪, teachers have a card that gives them certain benefits. Free acces to musea, exhibitions,… This year they made it app only. You need to buy a smartphone to get your benefits…
in the height of covid panic, there was a wheelchair bound, oxygen tank connected, customer whom I still respect for unrelated reasons, who insisted on entering my store without a mask because he was disabled. My dude. If you are so weak that a mask would kill you, you should not be going to stores right now. Do you not know that there’s a plague happening!?!?!? There are delivery services, and it doesn’t cost that much.
Americans will find any excuse to justify their lazy entitled bullshit.
In Flanders, 🇧🇪, teachers have a card that gives them certain benefits. Free acces to musea, exhibitions,… This year they made it app only. You need to buy a smartphone to get your benefits…
Surely that falls afoul of some sort of equality legislation/disability legislation?
in the height of covid panic, there was a wheelchair bound, oxygen tank connected, customer whom I still respect for unrelated reasons, who insisted on entering my store without a mask because he was disabled. My dude. If you are so weak that a mask would kill you, you should not be going to stores right now. Do you not know that there’s a plague happening!?!?!? There are delivery services, and it doesn’t cost that much.
Americans will find any excuse to justify their lazy entitled bullshit.