• Sonalder@lemmy.ml
    11 days ago

    Money has no price, money as an ancient pre-historic technology is a way to build trust between people that don’t interact often together and thus need a language to express the labour of their work or the value of their properties. Bitcoin is not the money of the internet but rather the internet of money as stated by Andreas Antonopoulos.

    If you want to learn more about money this article has nothing to do with crypto and explain fairly well how we don’t know how money came to existance (as it’s older than writing). It’s not the answer of what is money but a great explanation of how it was yeaaaaaars ago. https://medium.com/teatime-history/how-ancient-long-distance-trade-may-hold-the-secret-to-the-origin-of-money-22094482a475

    If you don’t have Medium account consider using Freedium ;)