I’ve amassed a sizeable hoard, nearly all encoded h264 or h265.
The space savings made by AV1 are attractive, but I don’t want to move on it until after I’ve acquired hardware capable of AV1 GPU accelerated decode.
Even then, the cost of reacquiring some works has to be weighed. Storage space gets freed; but how often do I actually revisit some cherished items?
Anybody else having to make similar evaluations?
A 16Tb manufacturer recertified drive is USD160 which should sort storage (and later get a second for offline backup). I’m actually holding out until I get GPU encode (apparently CPU is somewhat better, but power considerations, maybe next gen). Do wish the scene would get on with switching, though, are we dinosaurs?
AV1 is really only practical for content that has a high quality source like a bluray release. Most streaming sites aren’t using AV1 yet, so anything from them would have to be transcoded. Transcoding a low bitrate source to another format will cause a loss in quality. It’s not really worth it unless you want really small files to watch on your phone.
AV1 hardware acceleration is becoming fairly common, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the streaming sites start switching to it soon.
The difference between H.265 and AV1 at the same bitrate (assuming both files were encoded with a good encoder) usually isn’t huge.
AV1 is great, but the “hype” surrounding it is mostly comparing it to lowish-bitrate H.264 (live) streams.