The push comes as India seeks greater regulatory control over global tech companies. The initiative would require manufacturers to include the government’s app store and related apps like BHIM, DigiLocker, VoterID on smartphones sold from India.
Beyond pre-installation, they also requested that their apps be available for download outside the company’s app stores from third-party sources without triggering “untrusted source” warnings.
What are the nature of the apps? If it’s just things like digital IDs and government services, that’s not bad since it helps tech illiterate people accessing them. Big room for fash fuckery though.
And as always, preinstalled apps should be deletable.
No. If you allow one country to shirk the norm, other countries will also start pushing
I don’t think the slippery slope argument works here, you can object to any rules and regulations by saying other countries would start pushing bad rules and regulations if you comply. It’s not all or nothing.
I don’t think of it as slippery slope, I think of it as setting precedent
How can it be a precedent of something else entirely?