Jesus Christ. Would someone just 80s arcade game kidnap him already and scare him aleady?
Jesus Christ. Would someone just 80s arcade game kidnap him already and scare him aleady?
How do we call these assholes and tell them to get their heads out of Muskovitch’s ass?
Trump is all about removing regulations and stated “for every new regulation, 10 must be revoked.” During his first term it was 2. He is moving the market that way, and boy oh boy is it going to suck for the consumer and small companies that want to compete.
It’s not ironic necessarily. It’s more the morons that hated EVs and Musk hated them because Trump did. Now that Trump loves them, they love them.
They’re just weak-minded easily manipulated sheep who hurt when they have to think for themselves and they’d rather be told what to think.
Wait a minute. Tankies praise Russia and American fascists praise Russia? It really is a circle of shit.
Sure am glad all the car companies decided to use the Tesla charger as the standard. /s
Is that the reply you meant to write? Why don’t you try again, but think first.
Snowden goes to Russia and there’s no way Putin is letting him stay there without demanding that information.
If the shoe is on the other foot, the US would do the exact same. They brought Nazi rocket scientists over after WW2 and had them continue their work rether than putting them in jail to rot.
Yeah, I thought the same thing too at the time and that’s why I wrote it off. But the problem is that knowing how Putin is and what he does, what makes you think that he would let Snowden stay there in Russia without demanding any of that information as payment?
And if Snowden was so hard up for places to go that he had to go to Russia to escape extradition to the US what position would he be in to even say no if Russia demanded it?
Think about it. If someone came to the US to escape persecution in Russia for whistleblowing, you can damn well believe the US gov’t would demand info. They brought all those Nazi rocket scientists over to work rather than sending them to prison because of the knowledge they posssesed. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Shut the fuck up, Snowden.You had everyone behind you until you defected to Russia. There’s no free lunch and you had a lot of info Putin would like to have. Oddly enough things really started getting bad shortly therafter.
Stop. He was an asshole then and you just chose to ignore it. Under his shitty leadership Tesla has always been awful. Delays, QA issues, lies, under-delivery and over-promises have been the MO since he’s had a hand in the company but the lame tech crowd wanted EVs/self-driving cars so bad they ignored it.
You don’t get a pass on buying a Tesla because you did so in 2018. He was a piece of shit then manipulating stock prices and posting dumb shit on Twitter.