I hat if I’m running a 32bit OS?
Edit: I see the influencers are on Lemmy since TT is going away and they are salty.
Man, at this point you should think about your treat model.
Terry finishes some paperwork and he gets a chocolate nib.
Go learnt some more and get back to the US speakers.
I used it for a year and a half trying to learn Spanish and in that time I never really learnt anything of worth.
Might want to start with English first. (Emphasis mine)
It’s always better when you don’t know how the sausage is made.
99’s kid detected.
Just look at the radioactive Boyscout.
Possibly, but for how ad laiden YT has become it’s a path I’m willing to take.
Whatever happened to it?
Question is what is the average setup and guides for this?
I don’t think there is an “average” setup because everyone’s hardware and needs are different.
What are you trying to “fix” with Plex/Jellyifn?
Will you still be using it your existing hardware? If so, what are the specs?
OS all depends on what you’re doing; I would think for the beeline you’d run something without a GUI and utilize Docker or some sort of virtualization.
Tape/glue the Pi in the case to the HDD.
What do you mean? You can just download more RAM!
It’s like people never learned from the Lenovo Superfish inicdent