Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
Well, now, I guess all the people who like to lecture me every time the topic of Brave comes up will just chill the f*** out now.
Because it’s a good product.
Me and my colleagues in tech call it the ‘Granny Browser’.
Either use Firefox/UBlock Origin or Brave. Brave’s native adblock is good enough you don’t need add-ons.
The sad thing is that shit like this is more likely to get Elon Musk out than Congress, because all anyone seems to care about is Trump’s ego.
Love it.
The bastards’ shitty little platform has no power if people can’t use it.
Also a pretty brilliant feat of social engineering on Musk’s part. (And I don’t say that to be flattering, it just kind of is.)
I have a friend in NYC who searches his entire apartment every year or two because he had a few BTC on an old thumb drive. It is a bummer that he lost it.
I got some dogecoin at a one cent and sold it in the twenties, which was a nice little gain, but nothing huge like being an early BTC holder.
Oh wow. They’ll shut down a website for a day.
A bad person can create a good product. It’s that simple.
Also, I love that you’re self-righteously typing this out on a computer produced by slave labor, likely involving kids.
You’re better than me for sure.
Also a good option, but I like that Brave’s native adblocker works better without addons.
EDIT: Not reading any of the replies, so enjoy your circle jerk.
Use the Brave browser and you won’t get any ads. Glorious.
What will matter in the end isn’t what you put online.
It’ll be how good your memory becomes when ICE comes knocking on your door asking about your neighbors. That’s the hard part.
It’s such a cesspit.
I’m glad we have the Fediverse.
FB has been junk for more than a decade now, AI or no.
I check mine every few weeks because I’m a sports announcer and it’s one way people get in contact with me, but it’s clear that FB designs its feed to piss me off and try to keep me doomscrolling, and I’m not a fan of having my day derailed.
I keep my phone in a Faraday bag because of intrusions like this.
Watch Youtube on the Brave Browser and you’ll get zero ads.
Mastodon isn’t.
People are just largely naive. Your privacy, at least since 2001, has always been in your own hands. (Not unlike how, if you don’t want to get a virus, you’re stuck moderating your own behavior, as the community around you is largely careless.)