I’ve already deleted as much of my FB history as I can (I’m getting error messages at this point), but I keep it active solely because Craigslist is effectively dead.
I’ve already deleted as much of my FB history as I can (I’m getting error messages at this point), but I keep it active solely because Craigslist is effectively dead.
So, they’re only going to make games with no narrative complexity going forward. Got it.
Neither was the SR-71. Both programs had a very limited mission, which is why neither was ever produced in quantity.
I knew a guy–Ola Bini–that fled the US, and emigrated to Ecuador, because he was afraid that he was going to be targeted by the US gov’t. I think he made it less than two years in Ecuador before he was arrested for ‘hacking’ Ecuador gov’t computers; he was jailed during the entire judicial process, almost a decade, before all the charges were dropped, and he was released and deported to Sweden. Best guess is that despite not having a extradition treaty with the US, the US still put a ton of pressure on Ecuador to detain him. (Maybe he actually committed crimes? IDK, it’s possible, but all charges being dropped after all that time in jail without a trial seems iffy. )
Point is, there aren’t a lot of places you can go if the US wants to fuck your life. Russia and China are the best options, and both are not great.
I was thinking Edge becaudse that comes stock with every new system you buy; Chrome is something you have to install proactively. But yeah, you’re probably right. You eith look anonymous because your system looks generic, or you have some small degree of privacy without anonymity. It’s a shitty choice to make.
Trains in the US are starting to have some of the same security measures as airlines… :(
I quit flying (domestically, at least) over the x-rays and TSA bullshit. I’m driving 13 hours today in order to avoid that particular security theater.
Use a computer that you bought off the shelf at a big box store. Don’t add any hardware, software, fonts, or change any settings. Use MS Edge with no extensions, and clear your cookies and cache after each session.
That will make you about as generic as possible.
I want them to return to Daggerfall.
THB, that would be pretty fuckin’ cool.
And what, exactly, is positive about it, that has no associated negative outcomes?
IMO, there’s no such thing as responsible AI use. All of the uses so far are bad, and I can’t see any that would work as well as a trained human. Even worse, there’s zero accountability; when an AI makes a mistake and gets people killed, no executives or programmers will ever face any criminal charges because the blame will be too diffuse.
They seem to have a foregone conclusion that AI is a positive thing, rather than something that should be eradicated like smallpox or syphilis.
Well. technically he was an ape rather than a monkey.
Honestly, he wants to return Russia to it’s ‘glory days’, which means back when it was an imperial power, and they could send tanks into Hungary to crush people protesting for democracy. When Ukrainians threw out their pro-Russian president, he saw that influence he wanted slipping away.
Yeah, but every time I have to buy something new, they automatically sign me up again. They never give me an opt-out.
Nah, you’re not abnormal. I’ve had the same thing happen at multiple store. The most invasive has been Microcenter; they tell me that I have to give them my email in order to wait in line for tech support, and then bombard me with spam. Every time I buy something new there, I have to tell the cashier to NOT use the address on file that they won’t unlink from my bank card.
I’m curious how hard it would be for a typical user to chain VPNs together so that my traffic went sequentially through VPNs. In theory it seems like VPN #1 would know that it was connected to my home and VPN #2, so it couldn’t tell where data was originating. VPN #2 could see the site that was being accessed and VPN #1, but not me.
I have no idea if it actually works this way in practice through.
Off the top of my head, the only one that I’ve watched in recent memory was Fallout.
I don’t know if this will actually pan out the way that they imply in the title; armor needs to have a lot of different characteristics in order to be practical. As in, resistance to heat and cold, resistance to acids, alkalines, petroleum distillates, salts, UV, and oxygen, and also resist deformation. Multiple materials have displays significant promise for armor, but had a very short lifespan in real-word conditions. For instance, there was a material trademarked as Zylon that was supposed to be better than Kevlar, and it was used extensively by Second Chance (a body armor company); several cops were killed when their armor failed, and the armor failed because of exposure to sweat and ambient heat.
Yeah, this is a super cool development, but remember that everything that comes out at this stage is hype.