does anyone actually have a good privacy in mind alternative with sources to back it up?
does anyone actually have a good privacy in mind alternative with sources to back it up?
Thank you Lord Gabin
this site seems super sketch in general looking at the original privacy portal. on the github page there’s no listed contributers besides themselves with a MIT license, and they only have two things, a mail service thing and a file app with a rather barebones site in general.
just looks weird
edit: also, the description is kinda misleading it’s not a “for the masses” type thing it’s just for site owners and two rather basic things.
what’s harmony OS?
how does it compare to regular firefox? is there any substantial changes?
thank you for actually answering the fucking question. good shit.
-Just tested it and it really seems to bring the Steamdeck to its limits. Fan is running a lot, I had a crash or two as well. Kinda worried about frying my Steamdeck with this.
Not too be overbearing intentionally but that’s fine on the deck. I run project zomboid on my LCD and it usually does have some expected hiccups.
as for the performance in general, I’ve heard nintendo switch is really hit or miss on steamdeck. sometimes it runs well, other times it doesn’t depending on the game.
"When I noticed this happening, I messaged the server’s admin. At the time, I was using the cutefunny.art homeserver. Here’s what he told me:
“I can understand how it feels a little intrusive, but it doesn’t invade on peoples privacy, private conversations stay private.”
what the fuck lol?
Sounds like actual hell.