I’m very much a privacy amateur but am interested in comments on my set up, I’m sure it’s not ideal.
I use firstname@lastname.tld for personal email. Anything @lastname.tld forwards to my main email so for the rare occasion I need to access Facebook my account is facebook@lastname.tld and so on for any other untrustworthy sites.
I can easily block emails from a leak or just if unsubscribing is made difficult.
I’m very much a privacy amateur but am interested in comments on my set up, I’m sure it’s not ideal.
I use firstname@lastname.tld for personal email. Anything @lastname.tld forwards to my main email so for the rare occasion I need to access Facebook my account is facebook@lastname.tld and so on for any other untrustworthy sites.
I can easily block emails from a leak or just if unsubscribing is made difficult.