If push comes to shove you can still try to run it using virtualization
If push comes to shove you can still try to run it using virtualization
No they did not. An Engineer said it was the last Windows in the context of “the latest Version”. The press just ran with the wrong headline.
They never actually said this. Some MS Engineer did and the press ran with it.
I would classify them as full democracies but if you want hard numbers I would check your countries score here
Mailbox.org is great! Has many benefits and can be fairly cheap. (A few € a month)
Just make a proper threat level analysis.
Are you a journalist or politically exposed person in a non-democratic or semi democratic system?
Are you in a key position of a company or agency providing (for) critical infrastructure?
Are you just a little shit, trolling on the internet?*
Yes? Maybe just dial that back.
Verdict: You are of no interest for a state sponsored Spy Software or some script kiddy trying to wreck your day.
*Hypothetical situation. Does not necessarily apply to the OP.
That sucks so much. I have such a cool vein scanner built in to unlock my laptop jedi style and I can’t use it because Fujitsu decided to not add support for Linux 🙄
Denmark is blue but Greenland isn’t. The comedy basically writes itself