Linux 6.13?
They’ve existed since the early 90s, and the core concept of linux is only on 6.13? I’d have thought they’d have hit 6.13 by 1995. Do they only release full versions every 5 years???
Linux 6.13?
They’ve existed since the early 90s, and the core concept of linux is only on 6.13? I’d have thought they’d have hit 6.13 by 1995. Do they only release full versions every 5 years???
Remember that? Remember Fred? Ah, of coarse not. You have the memory of a goldfish…
Doesn’t matter. They’re going to make it into a smart tv, and then I’m not going to buy it.
Iceberg of stupidity. And it’s not just genZ. It’s Americans in general.
But trump is the one who started the movement to ban it when he was president the first time!
His legacy is already set. He will forever be remembered as a clueless man whos actions in office contridicted himself at many points.
Should have Bernie instead.
Ok, but that webpad genuinely seems way ahead of it’s time. I want a webpad, and I’m 1000000% sure it’s software is so out of date it would be like running windows 3.1 today.
Still though. How awesome does the webpad look?
Based on this picture, I’m pretty sure I want to be before linux…
You just said all the things I said, except you’re using an arguementitive tone.
Yeah, he signed a 44 billion dollar deal as a joke, then he tried to get out of it when he said he didn’t mean it.
Then he got fined another 2 million dollars for sending the judges his dick pics after the judges wouldn’t let him back out.
Then after the sale went through, he did that photo op where he brought a kitchen sink and a toilet to the twitter building.
How is stating what happened defending him? Everybody including SEC saw all of this happen in real time.
I’m not a musk defender, but I kinda don’t see musk in the wrong on this. He didn’t even want to buy it. He said it publically as a joke, then got roped into being obligated to buy. All of this was very public. It’ll be hard to argue that it wasn’t known he had bought it.
I completely misunderstood the ban then. If you go back and read my previous thoughts on the matter, I debated IF this was good or bad.
And my debate was, do you allow actual spy services to keep spying in your country? Or do you ban the services, and introduce a precident which could easily be used towards a government lockdown of services?
And ultimately I landed of the belief that we shouldn’t ban tiktok. But that was under the assumption that it was a nationwide services ban. Not just a delisting from the app store.
Tiktok can still host the apk on their own website. Any other installations already installed on apple devices would still work. This isn’t a ban. It’s an app store delisting. And that’s fine. That initself doesn’t fly against the concepts of net neutrality. It becomes a matter of availability at that point.
And if tiktok is doing this of their own choice, then that doesn’t go against net neutrality either. That’s YOUR choice (if you are tiktok).
So, yeah. This small clarification really made this “debate” not much of a debate to me anymore. Ignore all previous positions I held. This issue just became simple. Fuck tiktok. Thats on them. The government didn’t ban them. They delisted an app.
Childporn is illegal on any network. As well it should be. Tiktok is not illegal as a result of this “ban”. That’s what I thought was happening. It’s not (assuming you are correct, which I have no reason to doubt).
You mispelled depressing. For some reason you spelled it as “wild”.
Click to the next page??? Did you miss the part where he’s lazy?
This is the third story I’ve seen today that was basically “Tiktok users flee service to other chinese service app you’ve never heard of”
So basically the usa banned tiktok, and now there’s 3 other tiktoks, all connecting the same amount of data for china, just through 3 different services instead of 1.
Just think…in January of 2016 the idea of trump ever being president was an unfunny, but still described as laughable joke. Pretty sure in January there were like 37 different republicans running. Somehow out of all that, they went with trump of all people.
In January of 2016, it had been over a century since the chicago cubs ever won the world series…and it should have STAYED that way…
Well the years start coming and they don’t stop coming. Head to the ground you can hear your heart running!
…and now the lead singer of smash mouth is dead.
…so yeah, thats one of the new ones, right?
That CANNOT be the arguement you stand behind.
If I could, I’d like to ask these groups one simple question.
Why hate? Tell me what it is that makes you see another group of people with a different lifestyle or background, or culture, or anything else that you’re not a part of, and you default to hating that group.
I’ve never understood that concept. I can understand hating individuals, because those individuals are assholes. I have plenty of people throughout my life where I’ll say “Ugh, Gary is an asshole!”. But I don’t sit here and say “THOSE people are assholes!”
Because it’s perfectly fine to judge people. It’s actually important to judge people. But you can’t judge whole groups as one. It doesn’t work. Because EVERY group has good and bad. That’s just the nature of humans. So if you judge a whole group as one, you’re missing the point of judging. To judge someone is to analize their traits as a person. If you try to do that with a group, there’s too much variation to come to any conclusion, and at that point it’s not fair judgement, it’s just hate.
Which brings us back to “Why hate?”
And I want anyone from these groups who are transphobic, or maybe other groups that are racist, or maybe other groups that are hateful towards any gender, I want them to explain their hate. I want them to lay out their logic.
Because I assume they’ll spew out some hateful statement like “They’re always doing this and this”. And I would challenge them on that.
“When did they do this and this?”
Or maybe they’d say “Because they have menal illness!” And I’d say “So you hate people with mental illness? If someone in your family develops dementia, you’ll hate them too?”
Every sentence they take I’d challenge them to make a logical explaination of it. Because I don’t think they can. And 9/10 of them I don’t think will change. However, I think you’ll get some people who realize “Wait…am I wrong? Am I being an asshole? Oh my god I’M the asshole here!”
I’m already not buying it. I have a rule. I’ll pay full price for a full price game. That’s fine. That’s fair. I pay full price, I get full game.
I will also play free to play games that charge small amounts of money to play. That’s fair. The game was free, and I am enjoying it. That’s fair.
My rule comes into place that I will NOT buy a game that I then need to continually pay for.
GTA 5 has already shifted priority to their online portion of the game. But there’s still a solid single player game. But online has CLEARLY been the priority post launch, with no updates or dlc to the offline campaign since release.
Compare this to constant updates and dlc for the online campaign. But there’s a catch. GTA states that GTA Online is a seperate game/experience. However, in order to play GTA Online, you need to buy GTA 5. On PS5, I believe the standard non-sale price is STILL $59.99. Keep in mind, this is an upscaled graphics PS3 game that came out in 2013.
So in order to play GTA Online, you gotta pay $59.99, but once you do you’re IMMEDIATELY at a disadvantage. Not the fact that you’re level 0, but the fact that even if you level up your player, other players are constantly using shark cards. Which are in-game currency that you don’t unlock. You buy them. With real world money. Already paid $59.99, but let me just pay another $19.99. Not to win, but rather to not fall behind.
Because if I pay $19.99, and you pay $19.99, we’re both on even footing, and we’re both out $19.99. However if I pay $19.99, and you don’t, I then have an advantage before you even turn your console on.
And rockstar has openly stated that GTA 6 will heavily lean into this EVEN HARDER. It’s now a core component of online play, which again, is their main concern with this game.
They’ll throw in a single player campaign, but it’s just scraps off the bone. The real meat of the game is online. Which again, is pay to stay competitive. After you’ve already bought the game.
Nooooooooope. From my perspective the only way to win, is to not buy/play at all. This coming from a 41 year old who played the ps1 GTA games as a teenager. So it’s not like GTA just isn’tmy thing.
I want to like GTA 6. But rockstar is just giving me the middle finger. So in return I will give back the middle finger.