Idk, but by this point Sim City 3000 should work on ReactOS! My reading mistake learned me a thing!
Idk, but by this point Sim City 3000 should work on ReactOS! My reading mistake learned me a thing!
I’m thinking one would be best off writing a virtual machine hypervisor to run Python code, like facebook did to run their PHP as close to the bare metal as they could get it.
It would still be a beast of a project to start on with the VM already built, of course.
No-where in the Community Sidebar is it stated or implied that the Godot project is officially tied to this community or its members in any way, so your edit is petty and stupid, even though I agree downvotes you’ve recieved suck. Calling your arguments with a total of three commenters “dog-piling” or a “bandwagon” is pretty outlandish as well.
As I mentioned previously, I am aware of the options on PC.
I mean, I’m aware of the near-infinite ways to accomplish what I’ve described on PC or Mac. Android or iOS are the environments I’ve not found a convenient way around the limitations, and sadly where I do most of my content-consumption.
Whole point of using different browsers for me is keeping things seperate. I don’t sign into anything on Chrome, and all I use it for is …
Anyways, I wish I could just have multiple installs of a browser I almost trust, but keep the various categories of cookies and logins seperate from one another.
Pretty sure I understand less about the slang now that I’ve seen it in this format, but I still prefer it to other encounters I’ve had.
Came here to say, I find this more palettable than most such refferernces in the wild.
Set it how you like it.
Where does this imply that I downvoted anything for the reasons you mentioned? There were maybe five or six comments prior to my own, and I downvoted all of them besides OPs(which I did upvote, tyvm - funny how that didn’t work out to you noticing).
Less spammy than “trying to set the record straight” by correcting them all, nevermind that, as I stated, I don’t have a better solution anyways, but again, yes, I also up-voted the one-or-two comments that had anything to do with OPs problem, both clarifications by OP themselves.
I’ve also up-voted other comments since, but there have been none talking about Ribbons and Tabs since, at least. Almost like what visibility my own comment got served its purpose.
Things don’t have to be positive to work. Sometimes Loud Garbage can slow the buildup of even-more-useless-if-well-meaning garbage. Well-intentioned, useless, basically-un-true-in-context things only pass one of Socrates criteria, btw.
Thus, that last line in my comment. My frustration in this case is just sooo much more to do with the issue than with comments.
Partially implimented system theme. Comments: oP MuSt wAnT It tO LoOk lIkE MiCrOsOfT!
The only one who so-far realized the theming is the problem suggested a quick fix that will likely leave this issue cropping up again in other applications.
Me: down-votes comments because I WANT there to be a better answer, not because I know one. Happy Monday, people!
Sure, if that’s your level of thought and reading comprehension, let’s say you’ve got it. Is it really so hard to understand the notion that what works for you doesn’t work for me, but I’m okay with you doing whatever?
Keep practicing, kid.
Your life isn’t my life, and restoring backups is no less a hassle just for having them(personally, I backup files, and either fix what I break or do a clean install). Auto-complete also makes me lose my train of thought, but if its helpful to you, enjoy.
Reason’s I never use auto-complete in the terminal. Sadly, that’s sometimes not enough.
No one should be basing their “how to do it right” on a single forum comment. Talk about scope-creep for the offering of advice.
“… and God said, let us make man in our own image.”
… or forced to take-on un-related work and afraid of discouraging newbies.
Virtual Classrooms were the first thing we tried and realized it wasn’t for us. We dropped it within a few weeks. I can’t imagine spending any significant amount of time stuck with such a finicky and un-reliable medium.
“Look at it wrong and it breaks” is very apt in that situation; All the while they are “taking attendance”, and none of the lessons were available for later viewing. Our kids learned more from going through stacks of worksheets* with our help, reading, and just spending time with us as we went about whatever errands.
*worksheets were over 95% of the Virtual Classroom work anyways. The rest was art and poorly thought-out “expiriments”, with the occassional form-letter/one-paragraph-a-week “essay”. Not even book reports or recommended reading!
I don’t even care that it’s Fedora. If I wanted to confine my-self to Steam’s supported hardware, I would buy another console. Bazzite does what Steam should have been doing, and better at that.