AC Black Flag is one of the greatest pirate games of all times. It’s right up there with Monkey Island.
AC Black Flag is one of the greatest pirate games of all times. It’s right up there with Monkey Island.
Thanks to emulators, they pretty much are
Or how about really radically different planets? Right now they are pretty much all the same. Just a vast natural landscape of $BIOME with the occasional point-of-interest dotted about. Where are the city-planets? Factory planets? Planets strip-mined to the core? The giant space wharfs? How can there be trillions of aliens but there are never more than 30-ish in the same place?
A lot of UE4 games had big issues with shader compilation stutter. This is nothing new.
What are you using? I saw nothing ( Firefox Android + uBlock on a network with a pi-hole)
All the good stuff from Ubuntu has mostly been upstreamed into Debian. And Debian’s rekease cycle is much faster these days than it was back then. So, just run Debian.
As long as it hurts Ubisoft enough that next time they make an offline patch before pulling the plug on a game.
Depends on the exact wording of the patent, and the jurisdiction (U.S. or Japan)
No, the sneaky thing is that they are older patents that were amended/updated after Palworld was released. But the initial patents are older than Palworld.
In a sane world, the case should be decided by the original text of the patents, not the updated one.
What am I saying, in a sane world these patents should not exist.
Have you seen the state of the US? A “clown world capitalist dictatorship” is a pretty apt description
Since MS forced the upgrade, you should get 2025 for free. That would probably be really easy to argue in court
Nah, the new family sharing is way better. With the new vetsion, I can play games from my wife’s library even if she is playing a different steam game at the same time.
That’s all fine for technically inclined people, not for the scores of tech illiterate folk that need a big “migrate” button.
Secure from what exactly? You need to have a threat model here. For most personal use cases I’d argue that protection from adtech tracking is more important than e.g. sandboxing. Most people run into adtech continuously, but few people browse shady exploit-ridden sites.
In that case, Firefox us the clear winner. It supports manifest v2 for better adblocking, and it is the only mobile browser with extension support allowing you to use adblocking on mobile as well.
Sadly they will probably jack up the price while they are at it too. I just moved everything to my own petsonal .io a few years ago. I don’t want to have to move again.
They care, but Google Glass was a lot more obvious to the casual observer than these new smart glasses are.
I wonder if it is possible to sue TV makers for adding ads after you purchased the device.
Yes, but the kids buying the modded devices may not be
It’s called feature detection and it goes a long way back, even before Modernizr popularized it.
Yes, Bruno is great! The only downside is that everytime I start it, I have that damn Disney song stuck in my head 😆