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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Null safety is orders of magnitude simpler than memory safety. Kotlin is a null safe language by default. Java is infamously not. Anyone who has worked on a mixed-language Kotlin project can tell you how quickly null safety becomes a pain once guarantees break down - and that’s in a language where these issues are flagged instantly and you can “fix” the problem in a couple of characters! Mixed memory safe/unsafe codebases would be a nightmare in comparison.

    Also, C++'s ecosystem consists of deeply entrenched libraries with ancient codebases. Safe C++ might be useful in a decade or two if library maintainers could be pushed to make the switch (good luck with that, if it’s half as much of a paradigm shift as Rust), but by then there will probably be multiple competing language features that claim to solve the same problem. It’s the C++ Way™.

  • For anyone who likes the idea of CDDA but bounced off its vertical difficulty and complexity curves, there’s also Cataclysm: Bright Nights. While Dark Days Ahead chases realism, BN is a fork that prioritizes fun.

    It adds a ton of quality of life tweaks to make basic tasks less annoying, and removes most of the artificial restrictions DDA added to make the game more difficult. It also lacks the pockets system that DDA implemented that splits your inventory into a dozen smaller ones, so managing your inventory is a hundred times easier in Bright Nights.

    It’s kind of unbalanced, is missing a bunch of content that DDA has, and is much easier than the base game, but IMO it’s way more fun. And once you’re comfortable with things, you can move on to the base game for a real challenge.

  • Right, and they should have fixed them - especially since people literally put together wiki pages documenting every known bug in the game. But all Bethesda did was upgrade the engine a bit (make it 64-bit, add some new graphical effects, implement support for microtransactions) and release the same broken game again and again. The engine upgrades fixed a few crashes, but for some reason Bethesda refuses to patch logic errors in their Papyrus scripts (the code that controls the actual game content) even though those are way easier to fix than engine bugs.

    If asked, I’m sure they’d say it was to avoid breaking mod compatibility or something, which is kind of bullshit considering nearly every mod works with the unofficial patches that do what Bethesda refuses to. And they’ve been like this since the very beginning. Their studio is synonymous with bugs.

    It’s mind-boggling how they get away with putting such little care into their multi-billion dollar franchises.

  • The funny thing is the whole commercialization process started with one of the future partners messaging the project lead out of the blue on LinkedIn. I don’t know about you, but taking ideas from a random LinkedIn user doesn’t strike me as good business sense.

    Then again, getting something out of your years of unpaid volunteer work must be incredibly tempting, given how many open source projects have sold out over the years. At least it was to form an actual legitimate company this time, unlike when SuperSU (the Android root solution before Magisk came along) sold themselves to a scummy foreign ad company. That one still ranks as the all time top WTF sale.