Be pretty hard to put a molten salt battery in a cellphone or electric vehicle…
It was 100% mobile gaming that ushered in the age of microtransactions.
Every PC in my house except for my hypervisor has an Asus motherboard. No thanks, I’ll continue using what I’ve used for two decades without issue, thanks.
Sure, chief. Whatever you have to tell yourself.
I didn’t realize it was illegal to fish. I think you meant phishing.
I’m Australian so English isn’t my first language
So…what is your first language then?
So I’m guessing you don’t really know what you’re talking about.
cloudflare + the dynamic dns plugin for opnsense.
Writing off a loss or donation doesn’t give you anywhere near the full value of that product, much less any profit. Why would a for-profit company essentially give away a sizeable chunk of their inventory for no actual monetary benefit?
That hole in the screen is always black, so covering up the hole (and only the hole) won’t make you miss a thing.
When the technology was ubiquitous, it didn’t require specialized equipment ie USB disc drives, because the necessary gear was already built in
That gear is necessary for a vanishingly small subset of PC users. It makes absolutely no sense to put them in PCs anymore. As a child of the 80s, you’re reminding me very much of the people that decried the advent of the CD, and pined for the days of vinyl dominance. I’m guessing you think cars should still come with tape decks too.
Still use one to control the PC when i’m in bed. =)
Why do you need a wifi dongle when wifi is built into every single laptop sold?
The AT&T of today is not the same one from pre-breakup. That AT&T is decidedly not still kicking.
they’ve always done this