I think this is the winner. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
I think this is the winner. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
I’m so glad we’re on the same page. I’ll go back to the people who are actually open and welcoming to new people rather than the ones that try their hardest to condescend and belittle when I am justifiably suspicious of a random unknown file
I don’t remember asking what Debian was. I demanded an answer to the question, “would you download an unfamiliar file from a stranger without any context or description of what it is” (paraphrasing because I don’t remember exactly what I said). And that demand was only because of the condescending comment I was replying to.
I can admit I have been disrespectful to three people, but only in retaliation to a disrespectful comment levied at me first. Everyone else I have had a pleasant discussion with and thanked them for their time and help. I deserve as much respect as anyone else here does, why did you and the others feel justified being disrespectful to me and expecting me to just allow that to happen without me calling it out for what it is?
And I did read the links you posted, I just don’t see how they are relevant to this case. I thought it could have been a productive discussion, and other than this thread and three particularly rude and unwelcoming people, it has been.
I asked if anyone knows of a resource. I didn’t demand a response. Are you seriously suggesting that people in the open source community see sharing information as a bad thing? That is honestly baffling 😂
That’s a great list, thank you for taking the time. I’ll look into them all
Thank you, I appreciate you actually trying to educate me. If I knew that, I definitely would have been less suspicious
A wonderful example of gatekeeping. Because I don’t have this particular piece of inside knowledge I get downvotes. This is literally my first step into the world of open source, a community I had come to believe was welcoming.
This is beyond a joke. If there weren’t other people legitimately engaging with my question in good faith, I’d be well and truly put off of working with you people.
If I had any context, explanation, prior warning, knowledge of the person sending the file, or ANYTHING I might be more inclined to download a random file.
I’m honestly kinda stunned that you think “download this, run this”, from a complete stranger is a smart thing to do. If that is how you manage your personal security I don’t want to imagine how your software will fare.
If you and that other guy are legitimately what I should expect from the open source community then you’re absolutely right, it’s not for me.
My understanding of gzip files is simply that they’re compressed. Compressed files can still be dangerous last I checked. And like I said to the other guy, I don’t know what Debian is. I’m asking for a start into the open source world, how would I know that this random ass compressed file from somewhere I’ve never heard of is going to be safe?
Yes, getting into the open source world is basically the point of my whole post isn’t it? And you didn’t answer my question
It is a downloadable file. How often do you trust strangers that say “Here you go” with no actual context. I’m not trying to be mean, but seriously put yourself in my shoes. Would you download that file?
Another great idea, thank you. I’d never heard of F-Droid either
Oh wow, thank you so much. This sounds perfect, almost exactly what I was imagining
That’s a reasonable stance and I do agree.
I was about to say “but what if I’m just not yet using a project that I would otherwise be passionate about because I don’t know it exists”, but you’ve basically gone over that in the rest of your comment. So thank you
Why are you trying to get me to download whatever that file is?
I’d never heard of codeberg, thanks for the heads up
Can I ask why you wouldn’t recommend it? I’m open to the possibility that I’m missing something but imo exposure and attention would often be a big hurdle when it comes to open source projects.
Having a repository that lists and describes them doesn’t feel like it could be a bad thing to me
Thanks for the advice.
Yeah, I completely understand that it’s not gonna be as popular as Reddit immediately, but I know that if I felt the need to jump ship, other people will too.
I’m most just searching through All and sorting by new ATM trying to find some interesting things to read about and topics to discuss
I first saw this news over on Reddit, immediately searched for an alternative. Got home from work and now here I am
I get your point that it’s not specifically Chrome or specifically Safari that are holding other browsers back, but Apple and Google own the vast majority of market share in mobile devices and by extension, browsers used in mobile devices. I think that’s the crux of what the investigation is getting at