What about POWER9? You can buy a complete workstation right now, with an open source CPU, Board, BIOS. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and probably some more internal organs, but it is currently more functional than RISC-V.
What about POWER9? You can buy a complete workstation right now, with an open source CPU, Board, BIOS. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and probably some more internal organs, but it is currently more functional than RISC-V.
Well, I use tumbleweed on both my laptop and my main machine. Mainly for coding, compiling, CAD, games. My drawing tablet (Huion) worked without extra setup. Always worked fine, no problems. Dunno what extra packages you needed, so I can’t really say much about the problems you had.
Edit: No wait, I did need some setup for the tablet. Worked without a hickup for the last 5 years, so I kinda forgot.
Look at the way Tesla collects and treats customer data, and the way Musk seems to unilaterally abuse his control over the companies he owns for personal reasons.
Now think about the capabilities of the Intel Management Engine that pretty much every Intel CPU requires.
Bad vibes, I say.
For those feeling out of the loop, see here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine
Tldr - it’s a little always on processor, running a Minix OS, with direct access to all board devices including the Ethernet Controller.
AMD has something similar in form of their Platform Security Processor.
Huh. I use Kalpa for a media centre system, and microOS on my server. Never had any of those issues. The only thing I struggled a bit with as getting used to managing SELinux policies after only ever using AppArmour.
I know, I know. I was just dreaming of a world where they didn’t suck.
A sensible approach would have been to regulate data collection and misinformation on social media in general, instead of writing a law that bans one specific platform. But oh well, what do I know.
The younger ones didn’t mind it, for the older ones I did it myself while on visit.
The server stays on, always. I have like ten people using the services on there over tailscale. There’s a kvm, should something really unexpected happen.
More advanced hardware from a country the US see as an adversary sounds like it should be great for the stock of Lockheed and Co., actually.
RTX A1000 is a workstation Card, there’s desktop cards with that branding as well. Nvidia has laptop versions of the gaming cards, but the Dell business focused ranges are more marketed for ‘mobile workstation’ type stuff, so they get the workstation cards.
I don’t even get it. Like, make a pop up with a short blurb explaining the feature. Most users will probably opt in, and you don’t piss off the ones that don’t want this.
Linux distro sib hug.
I mean, yeah, they suck. But honestly, a crowdsourced database of coupons feels like it isn’t a good fit for a for-profit company anyway.
Having a pressure point against the shops by letting them control what kind of coupons would be shown was probably a big reason they weren’t just kicked out of at least some of those affiliate programmes.
Hmh. Guess with opensuse tumbleweed, I’m a minority of a minority. Oh well, I don’t mind.
You activated my trap card! My sickness was but a simple ruse to lure you into complacency! Your attack was weak, unfocused! I jump up, standing on my bed, your face is now easy prey for my unnaturally sharp knees. The structural rigidity of your nose is now forfeit!
Oh, yeah, that also annoyed me. I actually meant the settings menu, though. I have set up KDE for friends/family a few times, and depending on screen size and scaling, even in conditions that shouldn’t be edge cases, there where sometimes scrollbars in both directions.
I also just, kinda don’t like the vibe, I guess? That’s extremely subjective, I know, just something I noticed every time I worked with KDE.
Well, use the time to try it, I guess.
Yeah, it usually takes a week for the official versions of the extensions I use to work again after a gnome version update. It’s easily worked around, usually, but that hard break every update sucks.
I just dislike the way KDE structures it’s menus more, and while I suspect that I could tweak KDE to be something I like using, I also suspect that that would be much more annoying to fix for the next mayor Update.
I sometimes think about swapping over to i3, but I haven’t yet had the leisure to give it a try.
I mean, you probably heard of PowerPC. IBM kept working on that, is still working on it. They’re at Power10 now, but that has some proprietary blobs, as opposed to POWER9.
I’d say that it’s mainly cool because it’s an architecture with enough performance for modern stuff, that is completely open source. No proprietary BIOS, no Management Engine running unknown code. Also, pretty stable, supposedly.
Only supported by Linux, some BSDs, and some proprietary IBM *nixes, if you wanna say you have a system that literally can’t run Windows.
If you want fun facts, the currently 9th most powerful supercomputer, Summit, runs on it, I guess.
The hardware is too expensive for pretty much anyone to actually wanna use it, but oh well, what do you do.
You can get yourself a workstation for about $10k here. https://www.raptorcs.com/content/TL2WK2/intro.html