Soon Xitter/Elon will purchase Truth Social from Trump for all the monies and they will be the same platform, under one overlord.
Soon Xitter/Elon will purchase Truth Social from Trump for all the monies and they will be the same platform, under one overlord.
“Telegram has been under unprecedented pressure to clean up its platform this year, after its founder Pavel Durov was arrestedin France and faces charges over the alleged harmful content shared on his messaging app.
After announcing a crackdown in September, Telegram now says it has removed 15.4 million groups and channels related to harmful content like fraud and terrorism in 2024, noting this effort was “enhanced with cutting-edge AI moderation tools.”
The announcement is part of a newly launched moderation page Telegram has created to better communicate its moderation efforts to the public, according to a post from Durov’s Telegram channel. According to Telegram’s moderation page, there’s a noticeable increase in enforcement after Durov’s arrest in August.
Durov’s French case is still pending, but he is currently out on €5 million bail.“
Probably not exactly what you’re looking for, but may have something similar?
In a job interview I asked a CIS grad what the steps are to compile something on the command line and they had no clue. If it’s not “sudo apt install” they are lost.
This is why we can’t have nice things
other companies could have shipped a lot worse.
other companies governments could have shipped a lot worse.
Who didn’t see that coming?
Obligatory fuck spez
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