Vim needs are met by using Evil-Mode. You don’t have to leave Emacs for this.
Vim needs are met by using Evil-Mode. You don’t have to leave Emacs for this.
Is this sufficiently exposed?
You could easily save $138.99 by using Linux.
Yes, this is how I read it as well. The library would support to use a local model, but they decided to just send the audio data to Google.
There is nothing special going on. This whole project is just a bunch of python libraries coupled together to a cli tool. It uses the package SpeechRecognition to connect to the google speech recognition api:
Pretty uninteresting and a bit disappointing. Pandoc is a lot more interesting.
I like libreoffice, but converting audio files to markdown must be a pretty recent feature, for I never heard of it before being part of libreoffice.
So the “a” at the beginning can be dropped?
The author gave me the estimate 30-40 Euro.
Omg, me too. 🫂
The tool looks interesting, but the website is horrible.
Exactly! My current laptop will turn ten next year. It is still working fine.
It in my new ringtone.
How many industrial robots are waiting to be adopted?
My preference as well.
Current one:
I bought my current wallpaper from an artist on fedi.
My experience with HTC vive has been best when using gnome under Xorg.
10 hours later: still using the same distro?