- immutable Linux distros enters the chat *
Information technology is my passion. I am an autistic, chronically ill, and mentally disabled person under continuous lifelong treatment and care. https://linksta.cc/@kaerypheur
Linux is the best OS. Thanks to Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds and the Linux community.
Linux is better than Windows.
Hey, you look interested in becoming a marketing volunteer for GIMP. While GIMP is not as competitive in marketing as the others, you can help them if you want. 😎
GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) version 3 has been released. But when will Valve release Half-Life version 3? They have already released 1, 2, the episodes, and Alyx. But when will Valve release 3.0? This is not fair because even GIMP has reached version 3.0, but Valve’s Half-Life has not. 😔
Alexa! Install Linux!