Wouldn’t it be the opposite if SteamOS is lighter? I’m already running things like i3 but having even more stripped out sounds like it might be something. Maybe I’m misunderstanding
Wouldn’t it be the opposite if SteamOS is lighter? I’m already running things like i3 but having even more stripped out sounds like it might be something. Maybe I’m misunderstanding
Personally I can’t run steam and a game on a my laptops. They’re good enough to run games like subnautica and stalker on wine but steam requires like 1gb of RAM and runs like shit.
Edit: on older Ubuntu lts versions, not 24
Solving problems related to accessibility is a worthy goal.
It’s weird, China has giant reeducation camps where they imprison over a million Uyghurs / Muslims… you know, the asocials. The huge crowds of people being held on their knees with bags on their heads should have stuck in people’s minds.
And then there’s misinformation about some national social credit score.
I bet everyone hears people bring up the latter way more than the former.
Why do you think China has a social score? If you look up information on it, you find many scores / systems for different domains. Or how national policy and local policy can be different or at odds. You see China announced it in 2014 and barely put out a draft in 2023. The “trustworthy” score is tied to fraud, cheating people, selling counterfeits, etc. One local government is apparently trying to tie blood donation to financial breaks. Like giving you a tax break. Just an example of how the national policy can be interpreted and used in practice.
The idea of our governments scoring us for every little tic is scary, but the danger of overreach is different than “in China, your social score goes down for not smiling.” What exactly are people referring to?
There’s a vaguely cartoon or fun look to the game but I’m having trouble thinking of good examples. Things have the right proportions but it’s stylized just enough.
The Plains of Eidolon (your screenshot) is the first open world area, and looks more plain compared to Venus and the cambion drift. Most of the game is made of stylized tiles stitched into levels. It’s more obvious as you see all the syandanas and weird frames and the individual factions.
There’s Survival Crisis Z, it’s free but old. https://ska-studios.com/2007/09/07/just-a-friendly-reminder/
I think it would be been more popular today, with it’s atmosphere and horror.
The sages used their advanced technology to send Link into a divergent timeline but had to massively simplify their explanation for refugee child living in the woods.
I pentest my grandma about once or twice a year.
I need to try windows again. I remember it being more complex than Linux. I switched just so things were easier. Cygwin! Registry editing! Getting a Microsoft degree just to edit my desktop menus. I didn’t just sit there and install my programs like a good kid and actually wanted to, you know, do things with my computer. And boy did windows hate me for it.
I’m hoping modern IDEs or just having Linux on standby would make Windows simple enough to use.
A hidden device implanted on our cortex at birth should detonate when we suggest something like “We should let corporations solve global warming.”
The list is compiled by the MPA, a group that represents studios, etc. They work with our government, and to which degree I have no concrete idea, (edit: a trade association is supposed to work with governments on behalf of it’s members) but they merely submitted this list to our government. That’s according to the article and the torrent freak source.
I think the article wasn’t being clear and other comments seem to agree.
Terminating service over allegations of piracy. Kicking someone off the internet because an automated copyright system accused them of piracy. That’s crazy.
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Also Weinstein hiring Black Cube to discredit his accusers. Black Cube is all ex spies and sophisticated malware. Fusion centers are all about parallel reconstruction. Taking on a corp / billionaire (the legal way) means going up against a nation state level threat.