Well… I expected better longevity, to be honest.
Well… I expected better longevity, to be honest.
So, my comment was removed without even a warning? What rule did I break? The rules clearly state that memes are allowed in comments.
I see people mentioning obtainium, but never tried it. Will it give some relevant benefits over fdroid for low end devices?
Well, you’re technically correct lol
And that’s one of the benefits from open source apps. I have a very low end and dated phone, and yet I have more apps installed and hardware functionality than the average person, because I grab everything I can from f-droid. It’s amazing how much smaller and performant everything is.
I still miss firefox os and feel sad for them not succeeding. Their app system could have become a multiplatform standard and allow us to have much more options in the smartphone market, as well as better desktop integration and interoperability :(
Don’t lose hope, lead the resistance!
Out of curiosity, how many flip phones have you used since 2007?
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We used to be free from such bullshit, but some companies have started trying to bring similar systems here in Brazil, especially drugstore brands that would ask for our id number in every order to give “discounts”. Fortunately, this practice is now being investigated, and I hope the companies lose the case.
But aren’t pdfs with code a potential security risk?
Might sound a bit unrelated, but have you been noticing an apparent rise on ageism too? The social media seem to be fueling it for some reason.
That’s simple. They use an LLM to find the right people for the job /s
Exactly. If there were perfectly interchangeable alternatives, there would have been a true competition and those companies wouldn’t be holding the amount of power they do today in the first place.
Moving to alternatives requires some degree of effort and giving up on some microconforts. There’s no other way. There’s no fight without any pain. If we want to fight those companies, we must sacrifice those micro conforts, even if that means reducing tech use as a whole and doing a few things the “old fashioned” way.
Slowly, they will do. Every new one that does and gets media attention pulls others to do the same
disable CPU hogs and file indexing etc.
Do you have some tips for that?
That means they support Hannah Montana Linux
Unfortunately, a lot of people. Probably not so many here on Lemmy but a lot of people. And I even know a couple of them irl :(
And libreoffice, and stop using copilot or game pass or any of their services
Your dad is a great dadjoker!
Bring it on!