In my experience, neither Slack nor other apps (that all blow Teams out of the water) can do that - except Discord, which isn’t exactly a common office meeting app.
Am definitely human.
In my experience, neither Slack nor other apps (that all blow Teams out of the water) can do that - except Discord, which isn’t exactly a common office meeting app.
Wait, that’s a dumb design. On a (way) older phone I had some automation running and all that location triggering was done on the phone and only connected to my home when I was in fact near it. Google (or any role party) shouldn’t need to receive live geo location updates.
I’m just running a pain Linux with the MATE desktop, with increased sizes of mouse cursor and UI elements.
The big thing is using VLC with a wireless keyboard, and using a white sharpie on the keycaps to show the quite customised VLC shortcuts.
It’s been years since I tried Kodi et al, and I always found the actual media playback to be lacking some customisation (eg. audio or subtitle timing offsets).
In lieu of a media database, I simply mark the movie folders with file emblems when I’ve watched a movie or episode (VLC keeps track of partial viewings, resuming where it left off).
I haven’t seen Our Groceries listed yet. I don’t know Grocy so I don’t know how this one compares, bells-wise, but it’s pretty straightforward, you can share a list with any number of users, and manage/add/edit/remove lists and items via a web app or mobile app.
I’ve sent the devs more than one feature suggestion / bug report, and they were impressively responsive and forthcoming.
I’m not an artist, I just need the occasional hack job or screenshot annotation.
I loved the simple programs (this love stems from all the way back to MacPaint v1.0) and MS Paint has largely been ok for me apart from its lack of png support and only 90° rotations.
On Linux, Pinta has been fantastic but these last few years it got increasingly more crashy, to the point where it will now consistently crash within 10 seconds or two clicks, regardless of Linux distro / laptop/pc / version of Pinta. (insert “whyyyyy” meme here)
I’ve tried Krita, but it’s simply too much. Don’t even want to try installing Gimp. I am sad.
Thank you for that information.
One might also say, with the dire current state of browser competition, it won’t make much of a difference.
I’m just privately hopping that Firefox won’t lose its last few percent market share and go the way of the dodo. 🤞🥹
Yes, I’m really confused about this article - isn’t what you describe still in effect? Why on earth not? (I haven’t used Windows in ages so I personally have never seen that.)
I went directly from a dot matrix (ImageWriter II ftw!) to a laser. Except for photo prints, I find it immensely practical to be able to print stuff at home.
Good for you! Seriously!
For the rest of us, a few notes on how you accomplished this would be sha-weet! I think sketch up is the most approachable 3d program, but all my “post Windows” attempts have resulted in crashes and freezes. 😥
Emoji passwords made me think of the Lotus Notes password prompt with their little images that changed as I typed (which never really made sense to me).
Yes, I’m old…
Not an alarm, but a timer app.
MultiTimer is brilliant for having a dashboard of purpose made timers that I use all the time (weekly baking, laundry, tea timer, etc) and ad hoc timers.
Hey, that sounds very interesting. It’s there anything not working as it should work that hw/sw combo?
I’m honestly pleasantly surprised to see that this project seems to be rather actively developed.
Which is completely separate from having a meaningful user base (near you), so 🤷
You know, if you want to replace Slack, look into Mattermost. It’s foss but otherwise pretty much exactly what Slack does so well.
I’ve read most of and do not recall any such story. In fact, how do you even “drag the computer to the waste basket” as the first/only icon would be the System floppy and afaik they’ve never had / still don’t have a “computer icon”. 🤔
Because 12pt text becomes 8pt text and it’s a hassle to scale the entire UI… for the apps that even a allow that. Imagine playing Quake (why the hell not) at a gajillion by bajillion pixels: glorious resolution, but what’s my health again? Better to stay in the original SVGA or whatever it was. Exaggerating, but I’m sure you follow.