Guide the rest of us bumbling fools that don’t even know what glibc does, just blindly install whatever library the article or forum says
Guide the rest of us bumbling fools that don’t even know what glibc does, just blindly install whatever library the article or forum says
Just about the only points I’d accept, would be nice to remap the mouse buttons and not have to rip my teeth out for drivers
Cool, they’ll take notice but I’m not going back and neither are a lot of people I’m sure. Not going back
Real. Thought I’d move up and try arch, sudo and nano stopped working after the root changed. God bless the maintainers of mint
Already got lots of support and universality hat more do you need? X4 is native on Linux
Honest question, how would my life improve if more people switched to Linux? God bless all the maintainers that have made it simple enough for an idiot like me to understand it
Most things work right out of the box and those that don’t I could do less with anyway, Linux is perfect
I’m having this issue, I don’t want to switch OFF of mint since it’s so familiar now, but I would like better nvidia support. Tried arch a few times but really struggled
Alright I’ll try again and let you know, what DE do you recommend? I use cinnamon right now
funny you say that since I just did it (in virtualbox thankfully) and gave up until I heard about endavourOS a few minutes ago
not back-dated so download away fellas (not sure if a law can apply on acts before it was a law)
I’m gonna say it, this was a little funny
The OS formerly known as Linux