Should have used three spreadsheets. Excel tends to run slowly when a spreadsheet has more than a million cells in it.
Should have used three spreadsheets. Excel tends to run slowly when a spreadsheet has more than a million cells in it.
There was no mention of over-the-air exploit, so eh.
Anyway, having direct unprivileged R/W access to platform memory is indeed a security hole, no matter the vendor.
It is not. ESP32 is an embedded chip with less than one megabyte of RAM. It cannot run apps or load websites with any malicious code, it only runs the firmware that you flash on it, nothing else, and of course your firmware has full access to every chip feature. If your firmware has a security hole, it’s not the chip’s fault.
I bet with 60 GBb RAM it could run Android Studio with almost no lag.
Nope, the whole {variable/regex/replacement}
What you are searching is called tiling window manager, there are several with various features.
On Gnome there is a hotkey for horizontal side-by-side windows, on Plasma there are more layout options and keyboard shortcuts, but I’m not sure if any of them has one-third tiling.
awk is in a strange position between simple grep commands and full-featured Python programs. It’s powerful but too domain-specific, and if you learned how to write multiline sed scripts you don’t need awk anymore.
And yes, you can do
python -e “…”
for (really long) Python one-liners.
Tech companies spend effort on a FOSS project when either it’s their main product, or when they have no choice, it’s licensed under GPL and there are no BSD or Apache-licensed alternatives. Contributions are usually done by individual employees in their after-hours time, and most managers see it as directly benefitting their competition.
Other companies provide nothing, so it’s definitely better than average.
Nah, the kids I know learned C just fine. C is simple, C is all you need for writing kernel drivers, pointers are not that hard if you explain them well, it just feels really pedestrian compared to Python or Typescript.
It’s ultimately a question of money. Older guys with software engineering degrees and fancy salaries can spend their weekends doing free community service in the form of open-source development. Younger people have to worry about job and rent and bills, they simply don’t have that kind of free time.
Add to that the growing complexity of the software. Something that could be done by an university student before, like writing an OS from scratch, won’t be nearly as useful as it would in the '90-s, because it was already done before, now you have multiple OSes to choose from. And joining an existing software project is hit-or-miss, some are inclusive and some are an old boy club where you need to know the secret rules.
It’s a Python source with an executable flag set.
I guess plaintext garbage is big-endian.
I guess because ‘bin’ is a shorthand of ‘binary’, that is, the directory where all your executable files reside, so the developers felt a need to clarify that /usr/bin isn’t to be cleaned.
In Lua all arrays are just dictionaries with integer keys, a[0] will work just fine. It’s just that all built-in functions will expect arrays that start with index 1.
It’s called Plasma. Plaaaaaassssmmmaaaaaaaaa.
You can actually use / as a path separator on Windows in functions like fopen(), because it supports some ancient version of POSIX standard.
You simply need to accept the risc.
That’s because the article that started the whole argument tried very hard to present an expected behavior for embedded chips as a security hole.