Developer of PieFed, a sibling of Lemmy & Mbin.
I think I’m in love. That’s the best text mode rendering I’ve seen and I’ve tried them all.
Try on lynx, I tried pretty hard to make it usable in a text-mode browser.
offpunk is very different from all others I’ve tried. Very small.
Check this out
MailCow is similar except uses docker. I expect that will mean easier maintenance as it is less tightly bound to the underlying OS.
Could be, although codeberg goes down more than anything else I use so this could be normal.
Office 365 running on Linux using Wine:
I’ve never heard of Winapps so did a quick google. Their repository has not been updated in 5 years so it looks abandoned. Probably a bad idea to use it.
You have the privilege of not giving a shit about racist attacks.
This ^ ^ ^ is what privilege looks like.
Like github, except open source.
A lot of fediverse-related projects use it.
Anytime there is a open source “community edition” and a closed-source “enterprise edition” it’s pretty suspect. There will always be a temptation to make the community edition a bit crippled, to drive sales of the paid version.
It depends how you’ve made your contact form. Can you tell us more about what you have there?
…if you use R2 to store your images.
It is pretty great. We use it throughout PieFed if you’re interested in a working example.
Turn off all the logging
The Pi-Hole itself is very straightforward if you’re cool with using docker - the example docker-compose.yaml on Docker Hub just worked for me. But getting your devices to use the Pi-Hole instead of their usual DNS server can be harder than it should be.
The article is about your location being tracked, not about ads
I have zero social media apps or games on my phone but my pihole is still getting a hell of a workout. This is nuts.