it’s called a forced ipo and if’s a thing in the US specifically.
it’s called a forced ipo and if’s a thing in the US specifically.
at a certain size companies are required to go public. and indeed, as a public company your first and only responsibility is ensuring shareholders can grow capital based on nonsense quarterly projections.
i wrote a short story a decade ago where people temporarily rent out their brain to act as a global scale bio super computer. and how people were large scale cheated into needing to rent out their brains for the rich to exploit.
i have to find where i put it!
i setup my old job with linux internally. never had issues. day i quit boss told me to install windows so he can find a replacement employee. sure.
3 years later. boss wants me back. they’ve had nothing but problems. but i’m not allowed to install linux again.
he says, “if windows didn’t have so many problems you would be out of a job.”
they were the only option tho.
fbi want direct access to encrypted data while simultaneously also all data to be encrypted in order to be protected from china?
do explain how this is all going to work because it’s extremely confusing.
the problem with that is - if everyone switches to forks, development of firefox stops, killing it, and the forks are guaranteed to follow.
yeah i’m not going to put in the effort of creating a torrent for some local file i made on my system and then teach people how to use traditional method of download outside of an app store (this assuming they even have a PC since most people only have phones nowadays and then you can forget torrents), install and setup a bittorrent client (after explaining what a client is and does) only so i can drag and drop a torrent file into the chat for them to download LIKE WE USED TO BE ABLE TO DO WITH ALL FILES back in the day. the point is; software technology has literally and artificially been REGRESSED to 56k era limitations.
my boss told me today if we moved to literally any non-microsoft platform or software, i’d be out of a job.
and he’s right. most of us only have careers because microsoft can’t push out a software that’s more than barebone functional - and everyone use them even if there are far superior alternatives out there literally only because of familiarity.
i’m not planning to stop giving microsoft shit of course. they should be criminally prosecuted over their exchange service even and how it’s blacklisting competitors to force businesses onto the platform a la microsoft classic tactics. but eh.
i realize i haven’t been able to send files for years now because all the p2p platforms have disappeared.
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everyone is well aware that screenshots can be easily faked.
disagree. the wiimote was on a different level altogether. with amazing response time and accuracy. and the great many games that did take good advantage of them.
i had hopes that the joycons would be a good replacement to finally bring back the fun physical element of old wii; since it came with sports and all that. but holy hell they are so bad. not only are they bad, the quality is shit. 16 years later everyone’s wii motes still work, joiycons tho? i’ve had to replace 4 so far and i’ve had the console for what, 2 years?
the joycon detachment is such a lie, they should have just bundled a standard controller and left the joycons permanently attached to all devices.
I found Heroic today. Same games that won’t run on Lutris won’t run on Heroic either. The biggest disappointment was that it crashed a few times and I gave up entirely when it froze up. I’m not saying Lutris is flawless, it certainly isn’t, but my experience overall has at least been acceptable.