It was one of those one person family bathrooms. I had a 3 hour wait and a bottle of rum.
Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.
It was one of those one person family bathrooms. I had a 3 hour wait and a bottle of rum.
I was pouring rum into it.
I was in an airport bathroom and somehow the auto soap dispenser managed to squirt soap into my open cup of coffee. Fuck those things.
By making it even worse?
That’s how Facebook went for me the last time I tried to use it with a new account… I was immediately swamped with friend requests from people in western and central Africa. I accepted some out of curiosity so of course FB decided that’s what I was really into. I’m not sure if these people just send out random requests or why they want to add Americans… I didn’t get hit up for scams or anything, it was just people posting and sharing photos of their lives as normal FB users.
Sounds like BitTorrent, too
Before the musk acquisition I had something like 8,000 people blocked… mostly the inane shit like “Patriot Christian Dog Mom” or incredible douchebags like “dc_draino”.
Wow… a morning broadcast, apparently? Imagine seeing that with your kids before school. “Dad, what’s a ‘sex toy’?”
It’s like Elon Musk has managed to make Mark Zuckerberg seem like a good person by comparison. Or Trump was so awful that Democrats look back and think “huh, GWB was a decent president”
Maybe they should have done this about a year ago.