In order to stop a big % of miners and stop the Monero blockchain?
This is the miracle that Proof of Work realizes: Even if all miners were to be shut down today, someone could come tomorrow and continue mining at the last place on the blockchain. But it is impossible due to the many different providers, legal areas and power supplies of the Monero miners. Example: Even if the power goes out, there are solar miners.
Sure they could try. But to stop the block chain they would need to stop every miner in every country across the globe. And that’s before anyone starts using tor or a VPN so the government can’t figure out who the miners are.
Its a Sisyphian task
I don’t think it’s possible, attacking every single person in different countries…
they did not say “every single”
Well unless they get “every single” they have failed.
I’m not only interested in cases where a gov can shutdown the whole mining operation, but also in the risks that I as an individual need to face for mining. if there is a measurable risk, then I need to rethink if that is acceptable for me to continue, and if I can continue while avoiding that risk
Depends on what country ur in and what laws they have and if they even follow said laws. U can probably route over tor or a VPN like mullvad if ur so concerned.
I’m not interested in the laws part, I’m interested in the attack vectors, and I assume OP does so too
I want network layer encryption make it look like other / encrypted traffic
That’s not Monero’s job, instead full Tor & I2P support can be added.