I tried Gentoo recently and I really liked it when I finally figured everything out. I wanted the latest packages similar to arch, but I was basically spending at least an hour every time I started my computer updating. I still really like Gentoo, but it just isn’t for me right now. I appreciate what it taught me about Linux though
I tried Gentoo recently and I really liked it when I finally figured everything out. I wanted the latest packages similar to arch, but I was basically spending at least an hour every time I started my computer updating. I still really like Gentoo, but it just isn’t for me right now. I appreciate what it taught me about Linux though
What did Gentoo teach you about Linux?
I main it (and am never switching again btw), but I learned absolutely nothing new. Packages build themselves, and everything works.
I was hoping to learn new things about compiling from source, but I guess I will have to make ebuilds for that.
Compiling dependencies for an hour or so every time I wanted to install something also got a bit old.