Then you find out that the bug only works when it’s a Tuesday on a leap year and only if you have Albanian input method enabled.
Then you find out that the bug only works when it’s a Tuesday on a leap year and only if you have Albanian input method enabled.
Or a single pronoun fix in readme.
I find them pretty good for English spoken by native speakers. For anything else it’s horrible.
Lunduke is great to listen as long as his videos are not about “wokeness”, and lately all of them are, so I ended up unsubscribing him.
You might hate me for this, but I never finished the original Half-Life.
I have finished Black Mesa, original game’s expansions, Half-Life 2 and it’s episodes, but never Half-Life 1.
I always quit somewhere after the middle of the game, and only once I got to Xen.
Learn FreeBSD.
Learn Linux.
No website version? I hope the desktop app isn’t Electron-based then.
Edit: It is. What the fuck?
I know that this will anger some people, but I just use the defaults and I don’t get why there are so many fonts, since they don’t seem that much different to me.
It’s funny because I’ve also used LLM for getting useful info about pokemon, and it didn’t make any sense.
I’ve got a full screen ad for Windows 11 one day, despite having TPM 2.0 turned off. Not sure what exactly was written there, as I have turned it off immediately, but fuckers probably advertise their shitty “Windows 11-compatible” computers or some other shit.
Windows copy dialog be like.
No. You are be able to do that, if you allow VM to access partitions as is, or whole disks. You then just, boot into them normally if you want to switch completely. There are also ways to boot directly into virtual disk images, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you could “convert” virtual hard disk image into a partition on your regular hard disk anyway.
Why not use virtual machines? They are much less invasive, and you can easily remove them. The only downside is that it uses a bit more resources than you would normally, but it’s not a huge problem nowadays, even for budget computers as long as your host desktop is not resource-hoggy.
A ton? Did you have all like 10 games available for that system?
The name is fantastic, however the logo looks pretty cheap, the previous one (used on SerenityOS) was much better and unique.
FreeBSD is fine for servers I guess, but due that most server administrators know Linux better than any BSD, it’s probably not going to be used much. BSD’s also seem to be severely underfunded and the future of them seem vague.
I have literally talked to one person at work, that he might want to try out Linux Mint in VM. Dude have never used Linux, but seems to be skilled enough to install it on his own.
I miss the time when not all icons were a rectangle or a circle.
I think having ROM’s on FPGA devices will be preferred way of having ‘collections’ in the future.