Most emulators, especially for recent Nintendo systems
I think the main problem is they don’t want to maintain multiple accounts
Yes, it was made without any Unix code
If you start the demo mode there will be no changes to disk until you open the installer for both distros. Most distros will boot into the demo mode directly from the USB and then have a shortcut to start installing. Once you have created a bootable USB it will work with any device so you can test the distros out now with your current machined and when you get the new one you can just plug it in there and see if there are any hardware specific issues
The difference between NVIDIA and AMD/Intel is that Linux has a different way of handling drivers compared to windows (all drivers are part of the Kernel). AMD/Intel respect this. NVIDIA develop there drivers like on windows even though Linux is not designed this way. Also sometimes a new standard is made (eg Wayland) but NVIDIA has little to no support for a long time. Additionally there drivers are proprietary which limits how distros can/want to ship them.
Generally, Linuxmint is the go to distro if you want something that holds your hand, but due to your limited needs outside of gaming and already having a Steam deck you should take a look at Bazzite, which is basically the desktop mode of the Steam deck for PCs.
As for hardware, one thing that can be annoying is NVIDIA (drivers), but that shouldn’t be a major problem with these distros as mint has a built in manager that does everything for you and with Bazzite you just need to specify your GPU when downloading and don’t have to do anything.
My recommendation is download the distros you want to try, get Rufus put them on a USB and then play around with them in demo mode, make sure everything works (graphic card, printers) and if you like the distro then start the installer. If you don’t like it you can just unplug the USB and reboot without anything persisting.
Gnome is technically one of the most customizable, but it is opinionated which means the end user isn’t supposed to change anything, only devs (Like Ubuntu or Zorins customizations). Kde Plasma on the other hand is designed to be easily customizable, you are supposed to make it your own without having to install external software (for example Gnome requires you to manually install the extension manager while it is built in with kde). Then there is Xfce, which is also very customizable but has little built in. This is because with Xfce you are supposed to customize with external software (for example using plank as your dock).
So basically, Gnome is for when you want an opinionated DE (or want to make a distro and have it certain way), KDE is when you want something very customizable and Xfce when you something customizable and modular.
Just FYI, if you ever do get a steam deck maybe consider Bazzite instead of Fedora. It is based on Fedora atomic, offers a gnome version, is specifically optimized for a bunch of handhelds including steam deck and supports the game mode of steamOS.
If I understand it correctly Jellyfin will assume the subtitle is in Hindi because it thinks that the .hi specifies the language. Jellyfin will always assume this is the Language, it gets the hearing impaired via the tag with ffprobe, which only works if you have a embedded srt
How would one connect this to jellyfin while preserving thumbnails etc?
If your not running Linux inside a PDF, inside a browser, inside WSL, inside Windows, inside the Linux version of virtualbox, inside FreeBSD jails, on a Arm System inside a x86 emulator than what are you even doing
I think that’s just you, it works fine for me
I think Wikipedia is a could we to judge a country. As soon as the government tries to fuck with Wikipedia they are 100% assholes and anyone who is not also an asshole should not support/vote for them.
Apparently not:
“I have had plenty of people message me and even make issues on my GitHub asking for some insane crazy WikiTok algorithm,” Gemal told Ars. “And I had to put my foot down and say something along the lines that we’re already ruled by ruthless, opaque algorithms in our everyday life; why can’t we just have one little corner in the world without them?”
Depending on how lightweight you need I’d either use Linux Mint XFCE, which would be slightly less lightweight but very easy and well documented or AntiX which as lightweight as it gets but may require a bit more getting used to
Do they censor the results themselves or is it just because they are using a censored index (bing)?