I feel like this might be something that people here have insight on because VPNs seem to trigger Captchas a lot. What can I do to bypass them on desktop and android?
(tangentially related)
Do you guys intentionally half-ass your capchtas or am I the only one?
eg. when Google asks me to recognize traffic lights, I intentionally make some errors to decrease the quality of data they harvest
The noise you add won’t even register. No two people are going to half-ass it the same way, so if you average everyone’s responses, the correct answer comes out.
I know :) that’s why I was asking if anybody else did it instead of campaigning for more people to do it
Look less suspicious. Be fingerprintable easily. Look unique but in a normal way. Be logged in. Look like a “normal” web user not using a hardened browser. That’s what tends to trigger them and what tends to escalate them to demanding more work to get past them.
There’s no turn-key solution that fakes all of this flawlessly I’m afraid.
Nice try robot!
Easy: Stop using sites that require captchas
(Otherwise you just have to accept it 😓)
You can try Buster, but I’ve never been able to get it working: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/buster-captcha-solver/
There are also various captcha solving services out there, however they all reek of shady “we steal your data” type services.
Captcha’s are the same as ads. We develop a way around them, and they build a better captcha, ad infinitum. Realistically, use a VPN which is less crowded by people, and you’ll have less of a problem.